Learning Outcome 1

Going through the first drafts of paper 3, I realized that I had made many changes throughout my drafting and revising process. When I started typing my essay it took me a while to get the paper flowing and make sense. When I first start drafting my essays I normally think of specific paragraphs and topics to talk about and then towards the end I try to figure out how to get them to flow. Sometimes my paragraphs don’t flow very well and I jump around but after my paper was revised I made some changes and realized that it sounds much better when the paragraphs go off of one another. Having someone else look over my paper makes me notice certain things that I probably wouldn’t have if I was just to continue to re-read over it. They gave me suggestions on what I should add and what they think would help my paper sound better. The revising is more than just looking over grammar. The feedback that helps the most is when they give me ideas on what sounds good throughout my paper and what would make it sound better. It’s easy to repeat the topic idea in your paper and not notice, but after having someone look it over I realized that I talked about my main idea too much which became a little repetitive. Not only does their feedback help me revise my paper but reading other people’s papers and revising theirs gives me ideas as to what to add to my own or fix.
